Thursday, June 3, 2010

Gospel Song Research


Here's my new song research project:

Here's my C song list and I've added about ten more songs today:

Traditional and Public Domain Gospel -C

Cain and Abel- Spiritual (Different Versions)
Call Him by His Name- Spiritual- Lucille Barbee
Call on Me- Gospel song- Pilgrim Travelers 1949
Called to Foreign Fields- Sarah Gunning 1974
Calling Jesus- Christ Memorial Singers 1963
Calling The Prodigal- Charles Gabriel 1889
Calling Thee- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lacy 1925
Calvary- Dock Boggs 1968 Calvary- Sacred Harp (Two Versions)
Calvary- Spiritual- John Work; Modern versions
Camp A Little While in the Wilderness- Cas Wallin
Camp Meeting Jubilee- Little Wonder Records 1916
Can I Count On You?- Spiritual 1957
Can The Circle Be Unbroken? Carter Family
Can The World See Jesus in You? Leila Morris 1917
Can You Tell- Starlight Spiritual Singers 1951
Canaan- Hymn "Bound For the Land of Canaan"
Canaan Land- Spiritual- Gospel Songbirds
Canaan's Happy Shore- Revival Hymn 1860
Canaan's Land- Golden "Where The Soul Never Dies"
Canaan's Land- Shaped note "Oh for a Breeze"
Can't Cross Jordan- Brown Collection 1922
Can't Do Without the Lord- Spiritual
Can't Do Wrong and Get By- Jackson Gospel Singers
Can't Feel At Home- Carter Family 1931
Can't Feel at Home- Marie Knight 1956
Can't Hear Nobody Pray- W.P. Detherow 1952
Can't Hide Sinner- Spiritualaires of Columbia, S.C
Can't Nobody Do Me Like Jesus- Spiritual
Can't You Live Humble?- Spiritual- Work 1907
Careless Soul- James H. Stan­ley 1909
Carry Me- Spiritual- Ensley Jubilee Singers
Carry Me Down To The Burying Ground- 1952
Carry Me, Good Lord- Spiritual- Lomax
Carry Me Home- Shape Note- Jackson "Penick"
Carry Me Safely Home- Spiritual- Tartt Collection
Carry Me To The Burying Ground- Spiritual 1859
Carry Your Cross With A Smile- Ogdon 1916
Cast Thy Bread upon the Water- Red Sovine 1978
Certainly Lord- Spiritual
Changed Mah Name- Spiritual- Jennifer Bynum
Charge To Keep I Have- W.P. Detherow 1952
Chased Old Satan Through The Door
Chatter With the Angels- Spiritual- John Work
Cheer the Weary Traveler- Heavenly Gospel Singers
Cheer the Weary Traveler- Spiritual- Bryant
Cherokee Hymn- Brown Collection
Cherry Tree Carol- Traditional Folk Ballad
Child of the King- Buell & Sumner 1877
Children, Did You Hear When Jesus Rose?
Children Do Linger- Spiritual 1867
Children Go Where I Send Thee- Spiritual
Children of the Heavenly King- Wisdom Sisters 1926
Children of the Lord- Traditional Praise Song
Children Wade in the Water- Blue Jay Singers 1932
Children, We All Shall Be Free- Jubilee Singers
Children, You'll Be Called On- Jubilee Singers
Child's Desire- Bela Lam and his Singers 1927
Chillun Ob Duh Wilduhness Moan Fuh Bread
Chilly Water- Spiritual- Jubilee Singers 1883
Choose You A Seat 'N' Set Down- Spiritual
Christ Arose- Robert Lowry 1874
Christ Child's Lullaby- Ranald Rankin 1855
Christ Is Coming On The Cloud- Spiritual- Lomax
Christ Returneth- Turner 1878
Christ Was A Wayworn Traveler- Sarah Ogan Gunning
Christ Was a Weary Traveler- Brown Collection
Christ was Born in Bethlehem- Folk Hymn
Christ Was Born on Christmas Morn- Spiritual
Christian Home In Glory- W.P. Detherow 1959
Christian Band- Millennial Harp 1843
Christian Hold Out Your Light- Max Hunter Coll.
Christian Race- Revival hymn- C. G. Wells 1870
Christian Soldier- Sacred Harp
Christians Hold Out Your Light- R. E. Winsett
Christians, Hold Up your Heads- John Work 1907
Christian's Hope- Folk Hymn- William Walker
Christmas Anthem- James Denson, 1844
Christmas Holiday- Pug Allen
Christmas Is Coming- Traditional- Kingston Trio
Christmas Time Is Near- Stanley Brothers
Christmas Time Will Soon Be Over- Carson
Church Across the Way- W. B. Gray- 1894
Church At The Foot Of The Hill- Dixon Brothers
Church Bells- Spiritual- Kid Prince Moore
Church, I'm Fully Saved Today- Willie Johnson
Church in the Wildwood- Carter Family 1932
Church of God- Spiritual- Fenner 1874
Church of God is Right- Otis and Tom Mote
Circle Be Unbroken- Bluegrass Messengers -Matteson
City Called Heaven- Marian Anderson
City Called Heaven- Jessye Norman
City Four Square- Horton Barker
City of Refuge- Spiritual- Brown Collection
City of Refuge- Spiritual- Nick Cave
City of Refuge- Spiritual- Willie Johnson 1928
City of Refuge- Spiritual- Rev. C.J. Johnson
City On the Hill- Wade Mainer
Clear The Line Before You Call- Spiritual- Tartt
Clear Title to a Mansion- Mainer's Mountaineers
Climbing High Mountains- Spiritual
Climbing Jacob's Ladder- Vocal-Aires of Birmingham
Climbing Up All Day- Capitol City Four
Climbing Up the Hill O' Mt. Zion- Spiritual- Lomax
Climbing Up The Golden Stairs- Versions- 1800s
Climbing Up The Golden Stairs- Happy Four
Climbing Up The Golden Stairs- Hawker
Climbing Up The Mountain
Climbing Up To Glory- Putnam & Sawyer 1883
Climbing Up Zion's Hill- Wellborn Waters
Climbing Up Zion's Hill- Carter Family 1952
Clim'in' Up De Hills- Spiritual- Tartt Collection
Cloud and Fire- Ernest Phipps 1928
Clouds Gwine Roll Away- Jubilee Song
Coffin To Bind Me Down- Spiritual 1899
Cold Icy Hand- Spiritual- 1898
Come- Mrs. James Gibson Johnson
Come All Dear Brethren- Sacred Harp 1928
Come, All of God's Children- Jubilee Singers 1874
Come All You Friends and Neighbors- Brown
Come Along- Spiritual- Barton 1898
Come Along and Shout Along- Jackson 1933
Come Along Moses- Spiritual 1867
Come Along Sinners- M.H. Rosenfeld 1881
Come Along You Prayin' Father- Max Hunter
Come And Dine- Grandpa Jones 1975
Come and Go with Me to My Father's House
Come and Go with Me to That Land- Spiritual
Come and Jine- Also "Come and Join"
Come, Angel Band- W.P. Detherow 1952
Come By Here- Spiritual 1931 "Come By Yuh"
Come By Here- Spiritual- Blind Wonders 1953
Come, Come Ye Saints- William Clayton
Come Down- Spiritual- John Work 1907
Come Down, Angel, And Trouble The Water- Perkins
Come Down, Angels- Jubilee Singers 1874
Come Down, Sinners- Spiritual- Southern Workman
Come En Go Wid Me- Gullah Spiritual
Come Friends Go with Me- Shape Note Folk Hymn
Come Go With Me- Spiritual 1867
Come Here Jesus If You Please- Work 1940
Come Here, Lord!- Spiritual- Work- 1907
Come Home- Spiritual- John Lomax 1911
Come, Humble Sinners
Come In The Room- Hightower and Massey 1967
Come, Let Us All Go Down- Jubilee Singers 1874
Come Let Us Sing- Folk Hymn "Twelve Apostles"
Come, My Heart- Primitive Baptist hymn
Come Now My Dear Brethren I Bid You Farewell
Come On And Bow Down- James "Iron Head" Baker
Come on Board The Ship Of Glory- Clyde Maness
Come On Children, Let's Sing- Jackson 1960
Come On, Come On- Straight Street Holiness Group
Come On in This House- Spiritual- Fairfield Four
Come Out of the Wilderness- The Cathedral Quartet
Come On See About Me- Swanee Quintet
Come Over Here- Spiritual Singers for Christ 1951
Come Over Here- Mello-aires of Rochester, NY
Come Over Here- Starlight Gospel Singers 1954
Come Sinner, Come- Spiritual- Odum
Come, Sinner, Come- Witter and Palmer 1887
Come Tell Me Of Your Ship- Shape Note- Davis
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing- Brown 1924
Come to Jesus Just Now
Come Trembleing Down- Krehbiel 1914
Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
Come Ye That Fear the Lord- James Montgomery
Come, Ye that Love the Lord- Watts & Lowry
Come, Ye that Love the Lord- Starlight Singers
Comfort In Heaven- Spiritual- Barton 1898
Comforter Has Come- Bottome & Kirkpatrick 1890
Coming Day, The- Spiritual 1867 Higginson
Companions Draw Nigh- W.P. Detherow 1952
Companions Draw Nigh- Randolph 1921
Condescension- Southern Harmony
Constantly Abiding- Anne S. Murphy 1908
Conversation with Death- "Oh Death"
Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray- Spiritual
Count Your Blessings- Oatman and Excell 1897
Coventry Carol- Traditional Folk Carol
Cross Me Over- Odum & Johnson 1925
Crossed Old Jordan's Stream- Bird's KCC
Cry from the Cross- Stanley Brothers
Cry Holy- Spiritual- Higginson 1867
Cryin' Holy Unto My Lord- Bill Monroe 1940